Tuesday, September 9th:
12 x 400m @ 77-82, reps 8, 11 @ 5-7 seconds faster.
Rest: 2:40 cycle
The women appear to be recovered well from Saturday's long session. They cruised through today's menu, hitting splits consistently and bouncing right back into their previous rhythm comfortably after each hammer rep. Congrats on a great session, ladies. Well done.
16 x 400m @ 67-69 for group A, 70-72 for group B w/ 8-11-15 @ 5-7 seconds faster.
Rest: 2:20 cycle for group A, 2:25 for group B.
The men looked very controlled throughout the session, as group 1 cruised through each rep around 68 seconds then dropped to 60-64 for reps 8-11-15. Group 2 looked just as strong, running 70-71's throughout with hammer intervals in the 64-68 range. Congrats an a well-executed session, men. We appear to be right on schedule!
Up Next: 3.5-4m tempo on Friday.
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