It's been a while since my last blog post, so I will do my best to bring everything up to speed. At present we are a few weeks into our first summer block of training, and the heat index will be in the triple digits for the next several days. It's important to take every possible precaution to deal with the heat. Run early. Run late. Stay in the shade. Drink before, drink after, and make frequent water stops. All common sense stuff, but it's usually lack of common sense that gets you into trouble this time of year.
Outdoor National Championships - M0 domination
- Congrats to Mary Ballinger for becoming USI's 4th athlete to win an individual national title on the track (Elly Rono, Heather Cooksey Candace Perry are the other 3). Mary won the 3000m steeplechase in convincing form, running 10:22 to win by 15 seconds and narrowly miss the D2 championship record. Congratulations are also in order for David Goodman and Dustin Emerick who both qualified for their first D2 national meet on the track. Both finished 12th in their event (David = 3k steeple, Dustin = 10k). Keep in mind, guys, that Mary didn't come home with a national title a year ago...a little experience, and another 4,000 miles... goes a long way.
Brendan Devine - On to Eugene!
Brendan Devine will represent the Eagles Distance crew in Eugene, OR this weekend when he toes the line in the 10,000m at the USATF Jr. National Championships.
Dog Days of Summer
Tristan has a new dog. His name is Thriller. Surprised? Didn't think so. Thriller ate Cooper's leash. Tristan purchased a new leash for Cooper. It's pink. Surprised? Didn't think so.
Fall Outlook , and the task at hand
We have the honor, privelage and advantage of hosting the NCAA II Cross Country National Championships in November. We have 6 Senior women and 5 Senior men. We have very talented freshmen coming in, and we return the best 2008 freshmen class in the GLVC. Our sophomore group. We return 5 All-GLVC men and 9 All-GLVC women. We are not short on talent. Keep in mind, however, and I don't want you to gloss over this fact (this would be critical, fatal mistake): Talent didn't get us anywhere last year. The accolades we achieved (which in the grand scheme of things pale in comparison to what is potentially on the table for both of our squads this fall) were earned on hot summer days. On early mornings when we were grinding through hill repeats. And pool sessions. and 2 hour long runs. And endless mile repeats. And core work, drills, ice baths, and mile after mile after mile after mile logged on the trails. You earned it. You worked for it.
The Challenge: Are you satisfied? Can you be satisfied with anything less than OUR best? Are we going to be outworked by anyone? Let's look beyond the safe shores of the conference this fall. Beyond the region. Let's look at one thing, and one thing only. How good can you be? The answer is simple: As good as you allow yourself to be. The process too, is simple: Give your best EVERY DAY.
ONE FINAL NOTE: Congratulations Allie and Miles!!!!
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