Thursday, October 30, 2008
GLVC Champions

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
RoHo behind us....on to UE

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Louisville Classic

The Screaming Eagles enjoyed a succesful trip to the Louisville Cardinal Classsic on Saturday. The men were up first at 9:30am. The early start (that's 8:30am Evansville time) meant no early morning shakeout run, so the men opted for a 4.5 mile warmup. In a very strong and deep field, we managed to place 10th overall, averaging 25:16 for the top 5 (compared to 25:11 last year). The men hit the chute at 25:05 (Dixon), 25:07 (Z), 25:18 (Emerick), 25:18 (Grandpa Phillips), 25:34 (Roads), 25:37 (Devine), 25:40 (B), 25:53 (Badman), 26:01 (Hurricane Suarez), and 26:08 (McLovekin).
90 minutes later, our next 11 men (pictured, minus Andrew Duggan) put on a great display of the team's depth, as they finished 2nd out of 25 teams in the Blue Race, averaging 26:27 for the top 5. Geb and Menner did a great job at the front, running 25:54 and 26:01. The rest of the squad followed in 26:22 (Duggan), 26:52 (Kern), 27:06 (Nyboer), 27:14 (Kendrick), 27:26 (Latta), 27:31 (Delong), 27:38 (Camp), 28:24 (Clark) and 28:33 (Nona).
The women made a quantum jump from their performance at Louisville a year ago, when they averaged 19:14 for the top 5. This time around, the ladies went 17:27 (Mary - wow), 18:32 (Allie), 18:40 (Holly), 18:47 (Adrienne), 18:48 (Christy), 19:14 (Lacy), 19:37 (Marcia), 19:39 (Sarah B), 19:49 (Sarah W - if not for a side stitch likely would have finished in the 18:40's), and 20:08 (Jackie). 90 minutes later, the women would one-up the men as the 2nd squad finished 1st out of 22 teams in the Blue Race! Heather Beard (19:34), Lauren Crick (19:41), Allison Laird (19:56), Brittany Rutledge(19:56) packed nicely at the 1-4 spots, and Allie Baumer secured the win when she crossed in 20:49.
Next up for the Screaming Eagles: A long fartlek session and 7-10 x 800m this week, then RoHo and the UE Invite next week.
Thanks to all of you for running hard. A special thanks to Mary and Marcia for being so strong and courageous in the midst of difficult times. We are all proud of you.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Dogtown Tempo

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tunnel Hill / Garden of the Gods

Our annual trip to Tunnel Hill and Garden of the Gods got off to a fantastic start when we awoke to cool, ideal conditions. Before a picnic lunch and sightseeing at Garden of the Gods, there was work to be done. The men's workout consisted of 2-3 x 3 miles @ threshold, while the women were to run 2 x 3 miles @ threshold. The men's front group managed to run their segments in 16:25-16:00-15:53 , while the women managed to run 2 x 3 miles at a much faster pace then they were able to manage 2 x 2 miles the previous year. Up next: 12-16 x 400m on Tuesday!
Stegemoller Classic
The men were impressive in their season debut. The Screaming Eagles, behind impressive debut performances for Dustin Emerick, David Goodman and Bryan Phillips, posted marks of 18:53-18:56-18:58-19:00 (Matt Zielske), 19:06 (Rob Roads), 19:09 (Brandon Campbell), 19:19 (Andrew Dixon) to split 13 seconds (1-5) and 26 seconds (1-7). Both teams will compete in the Indiana Intercollegiates at Indiana University on September 19th.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Lincoln State Park Trip - First day of substance

Friday, August 1, 2008
Block II Training
University of Southern Indiana Cross Country
W=women M=men
m=mile K = kilometer
min=minute s = seconds RP = race pace
LR=long run F = Fartlek T=threshold PT=progressive threshold
h=hill H = Hammer R=rest RR=running recovery
Volume : The percentage of your peak volume. Example: If you are peaking at 100mpw, you will be @ 80 miles the week of 8-4. If you are peaking at 60, you will be @ 48 the week of 8-4.
Session I, II explained: Simply use the terminology above to translate. Threshold runs should be at a 85-90% effort. NOT A TIME TRIAL!
Long Run (LR): percentage of your total volume for the week. Example: someone who is at 80 miles would have a long run of 13-16 miles during week 1. If you are at 40 miles the week of 8-4, your long run would be 8 miles (None of the women should be below 8 miles on long runs for now – most of you are likely in the 10-12 range) Long runs should be at a moderate effort for now…the same effort as a typical training run.
Additional Training:
Core work: Crunches, core work 3 days per week.
Drills after Session II: Follow session II with this set AFTER your cooldown (Minimum 15 min up/down) http://www.kimbia.net/2008/06/10/slow-drills-fast-runners/
Drills after Session I and long run: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcH97Dx8VCk
I want everyone to start integrating drills NOW so that there is no setback when we begin them as a team in late August.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Fartlek, Doped Russians, Gender Confusion and Chocolate Milk
I hope that all of you are enjoying your "down" week. Everyone should receive their new training schedules via rmail tomorrow. There are two suggested workouts on tap for next week: a fartlek session (preferrably on rolling hills and a soft surface, i.e. golf course, xc course or trails) and a short threshold (3m women/4m men), preferably on flat to gently rolling terrain. The intensity is negotiable - just make sure you are cognizant of the fact that it's the first week of August - a full 15 weeks removed from the national championships.
Russians, Romanians fail drug test:
A week after a truckload of rediculous times were posted at the Russian Oly Trials, 7 athletes have apparrently failed drug testing. 6 were members of their Olympic team, and have been subsequently barred from the Olympic Games. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/31072008/58/beijing-2008-top-russians-banned-games.html
2 female distance runners from Romania were recently booted from their team for EPO use (or at least suspicion thereof...their hematocrits were apparrently higher than what is humanly possible). Not to worry, team.... we are always one step ahead of testing here at the University of Southern Indiana...we haven't had a failed drug test yet! Of course I'm kidding, but it's always nice to be accused of cheating (you know you're doing something right then).
Gender Testing:
The Chinese will be conducting gender testing at the Olympics. Not sure if you're a man or a woman? Apparrently the Chinese now have the technology to uncover the truth. They think of everything, don't they? http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2008/jul/30/olympicgames2008.gender
Chocolate Milk: The ultimate sports recovery drink
Our upperclassmen already know this little secret, and I am sure that some of our rookies know as well. Here is a link to story ona study that was conducted a few years ago @ IU. Low Fat Chocolate milk has the same 4:1 Carbohydrate to protein ratio found in Endurox R4 and other leading sports recovery drinks. It works, and it tastes great, and it's a LOT cheaper. If you want to recover from your long runs and workouts optimally, have a glass of low fat chocolate milk immiediately following your training session.
That's all for now. Keep up the great work, Eagles. Go run.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Summer Training: Block One winds down
We will hold our first team practice of the fall campaign on August 23rd @ 6pm at PAC Arena. Move-In is scheduled for August 22nd and 23rd. Housing will be informed that you will be moving in early, so you will not need to contact them regarding this.
Our first meet of the fall will be at home on August 30th (Stegemoller Classic: 4k women/6k men).
All freshmen/newcomers will need to have a physical prior to the start of practice on the 23rd. If your NCAA Clearinghouse paperwork is not complete (freshmen) prior to Aug 23, be aware that you will not be allowed to practice / participate.
I have been in touch with many of you this summer, and by most all accounts, we have had a very productive first block of summer training. We will all take a down week next week (week of July 28) Make sure you cut your volume by at least 40% this week, and keep everything easy. At a minimum, run 25-30 minutes a day every other day during this week. On August 4th, our primary training block will begin - a 16 week building process that will culminate with the NCAA II Championships in Slippery Rock, PA on November 22nd. Your training volume for this primary block should start at about 70-80% of your peak volume during block one. I will be in touch with each of you with more detailed training schemes.
Congrats on several fine performances at Night Flight this past weekend. Thanks to all of you who gave of your time and effort to assist with the event.
As your training continues, remember to always listen and pay attention to the feedback your body is giving you. If you know that you need an off day/light day, take it! Remember that training is a slow, tedious, evolutionary process. You can only push the envelope slightly from week to week / day to day. We need to be smart and train within our limitations. By the same token, we can't afford to waste training opportunities. Make the most of every day!